The length of the foot in centimetres. Please, take the measurement by resting the heel on a fixed element perpendicular to the floor (cabinet, door frame, etc.) and then mark the place where the longest toe reaches. Provide the measurement in centimetres, without adding "spare".
Additionally, please provide the size of the most frequently purchased shoes.
Measure 1
Please, take the measurement with a tape measure around the widest part of the metatarsus (the area of the so-called hallux). The tape measure should fit snugly around the foot.
Measure 2
Take the measurement with a tape measure in the middle of the foot (the so-called instep height). The tape measure should fit snugly around the foot.
Measure 3
Take the measurement with a tape measure in the heel-ankle part. Place the tape measure under the heel and then wrapped around the foot at the height of the flexion, i.e., in the ankle joint. It is the largest dimension that must squeeze through the upper while taking off shoes. The tape measure should fit snugly around the foot. For a better fit to the foot (tighter dressing of shoes) and a slenderer look of the shoe, you can take the measure with the heel slightly raised.
Measure L
Calf circumference. Take the measurement wearing trousers that will worn for jackboots. The given dimension will be that of the finished footwear. Take the measurement with a tape measure around the calf above the thickest point. Move blocked tape measure down the legs until it passes through the thickest part. The resulting dimension will be that of the finished footwear.
Measure W
The height of the upper boot is measured at the back according to a wish of the customer. Take the measurement in a standing or sitting position with the footwear removed. Take the measurement using the tape measure by measuring the height from the floor to the desired height.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us